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One area Louis Industries looks at a lot when advising companies on how to potentially save time and money is welding of expanded metal. Welding of expanded metal is one of the most challenging things a welder can do. It requires slightly tacking every small area before it expands to a larger surface. Louis Industries is able to convert that expanded metal welding into a nice smooth punched part with a nice finish.

Here are a few examples of expanded metal that has been turned into punch surfaces. We found that punching expanded metal in low volumes or medium volumes is not only cheaper, but also takes your welding time away from other projects. Thus, you save two times: the cost of parts equals or is less than the welding cost.

The second expansion allows the welders to weld something else, thus giving you potentially twice the welding capacity. If you’re interested in Louis Industries punching or expanding into these cleaner smoother parts, please contact our sales team.